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Zoom Mod

About Zoom Mod:
This small-mod adds a zoom(like binoculars) by pressing a button like optifine.

Zoom Mod

How to install Zoom Mod:
Start Minecraft 1.7.5 first once
Go to the minecraft base folder (the official launchers shows it when you click “Edit Profile” as “Game Directory”)
Go in subfolder “Versions”
Rename the folder “1.7.5″ to “1.7.5_zoom”
Go in the subfolder “1.7.5_zoom”
Rename “1.7.5.jar” to “1.7.5_zoom.jar”
Rename “1.7.5.json” to “1.7.5_zoom.json”
Open the file “1.7.5_zoom.json” with a text editor and replace “id”:”1.7.5″ with”id”:”1.7.5_zoom” and save the file
Copy the files from the ZoomMod ZIP file in “1.7.5_zoom.jar” as usual and remove the META-INF folder from “1.7.5_zoom”.
Start the official launcher
Click “Edit Profile”
Select “Use version:” -> “release 1.7.5_zoom”
Click “Save Profile”
Click “Play” or “Login” to start the game. If only “Play Offline” is available, then log out and log in again to fix it.


Vanilla Zoom-Mod-1.7.2.zip

Forge Zoom-Mod-1.7.2.zip





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