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Minecraft Download Mods Eldritch Empires 1.6.4

Make a collector (recipe below) and right click to turn it on/off. While it's on, a portal will be created in a random location nearby. Attacking creatures will come from the portal and attempt to destroy the collector. It's up to you to make sure they don't do that.

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Golem Part

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Stone Archer Spawner (requires undamaged bow)

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Stone Warrior Spawner (requires undamaged iron sword)

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Stone Mage Spawner

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Ice Crystal

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Golem Wand

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Portal Focus

The collector collects magic essence, which also comes through the portal, so you must have a clear path between the collector and the portal for the collector to work properly. Magic essence is nearly invisible, but if you look carefully, you can notice the sparkles. When the magic essence reaches the collector, it drops a condensed magic essence item.

You can use the condensed magic essence, to build defensive golems, create items, or combine 9 together to get a diamond.

Disclaimer: I'm still testing this mod, and while it's worked fine for me, I cannot guarantee it wont do something like corrupt your Minecraft save, make you sterile, or blow up your computer. Use it at your own risk and backup any worlds you want to keep.

It requires Forge, and all you've got to do is drop it in your mods folder. It has now been upgraded to 1.6.4, and I've only developed it for survival single player so far.

Author: Sea_Bass

Minecraft mods 1.6.4Eldritch Empires
For: 1.6.2 Eldritch Empires 
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