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Metaworlds Minecraft mods1.6.4

Metaworlds mods The metaworlds mod essentially lets you create full minecraft worlds within the normal worlds which can have arbitrary relative positioning and rotation (yaw) and which can be moved in realtime.So this could be used to create zeppelines or flying islands or alike.

  • The metaworlds can have arbitrary positions and orientations relative to the stationary world
  • The metaworlds are fully editabel at all time just like the normal world
  • Savefiles of the metaworlds are normal world saves in subfolders *1
  • All the normal block mechanics should work in the metaworlds as well (though many still need adjustments to work correctly with metaworlds)
Instructions for modders:
1. Setup the forge mod development environment just like you would do for any other forge mod
2. Integrate the src folder from the provided API/Controls-sources archive into the one located at your forge/mcp/src.
3. You can now use whatever is provided by the API in your own mod
4. After executing the recompile and reobfuscate script don't include the ".../metaworlds/..." things from the reobf folder in the mod package or they will collide with the ones which are already delivered with the metaworlds mod (or you can open the metaworlds mod files and delete the "api" subfolder from the patcher and/or the "controls" and "creators" submods).
Note: The provided version of this mod can not be started from within eclipse for now but I will try to make an eclipse-compatible version in the future.
How to install this mod:
  • Install forge
  • Copy the four jar files from the archive into your .minecraft/mods folder
  • rewrote subworld info saving structure
  • made some changes which improve compatibility with other mods like Ars Magica and Thaumcraft
  • rewrote the EntitySubWorldController
  • started to make improvements to entity position synchronization
  • empty new chunks from subworlds are not being saved anymore
  • some cleanup


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