Home » » Minor Alchemy Mod Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.1/1.5.2

Minor Alchemy Mod Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.1/1.5.2

Minor Alchemy v0.0.6.0

Change log 1.6.2

+ (API) Register items as non-repairable, non-enchantable, non-mashable, and non-cloneable. ISpecialAlchemy to allow items to have more advanced behavior.

+ Building Blocks parser to allow users to register ID/metadata as non-attributable. Syntax: minor alchemy, repair/enchant/smash/clone, id/(id:meta) Doing so will set the specified item as non-attributable and will not be able to be used by that function, provided it has a CV.

^ Enchantment Scrolls now use NBT rather than metadata. The problem with the metadata system is that any mod that adds enchantments that was loaded after Minor Alchemy would have been missed by the enchantment scrolls completely. However, when loading scrolls now, they are created in real-time and will account for all enchantments currently in the game. This does, however, all but one of your enchantment scrolls will get deleted from your game. Just give yourself the items to make a new scroll package (I don't consider this cheating since I didn't add legacy support for something that is an easy fix :)).

^ Fixed a bug for enchantment.name.level0 when re-adding an AEC to the Rejuvenator.

^ When enchanting an item in the Rejuvenator, if the item only has one valid level, that will automatically be used (to prevent things like bows with Infinity X).

^ Changed enchanted items enchantment values being added over top of the item, and instead they are now a part of the items value. This means that (although repairing an enchanted item may still be pricey) repairing an item with the Rejuvenator will result in a much more proper cost (instead of your Bow with Power X costing 116k just to repair 3 durability, it will instead cost about 634). Since the enchantments are part of the value, the real value will be different from a non-enchanted item (54 CV for non-enchanted bow, 116k+ for enchanted bow).

Minor Alchemy v0.0.4.7

Change log

1.6.1 compatibility update.

Full protection code implemented. Anyone who wants to use any of my mods in a mod pack will REQUIRE permission first. No exceptions.

Added some special new features - check the config, they are disabled by default. Just be aware, it's not like you expect.

Minor Alchemy v0.

Change log

Just a quick protection change.

Authors Guff1118

This small mod gives users the ability to make an Alchemizer, transform items into Energy Containers, and then use those Energy Containers to perform various, helpful tasks in Minecraft. Such tasks include enchanting items to Level 10, repairing broken items, and even cloning existing items! All values are configurable.

Download Minor_Alchemy_0.0.6.0__MC_1.6.2_.zip

Download Minor_Alchemy_0.0.4.7__MC_1.6.1_.zip

Download Minor_Alchemy_0.


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