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MCModeler v2.4 Mac Fix Minecraft

Creating Mobs can be one of the most frustrating processes in making a minecraft mod. One of the hardest parts in the process is creating a mobs model. It takes a lot of trial-and-error to code a basic model, and it can take a long time to create an advanced one. This is the reason programs such as Techne and MCModeler were created. They are made to make modding easier.
This program differs from Techne because it is written in Java, so it works with multiple platforms (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows).
Thank you so much to Apples_R_Tasty for making a Mac launcher for this! It is included in the download.

**Features -
- Easy to use GUI
- Userfriendly
- In-Program Texture Previewing
- Mutli-Platform Support
- Copy/Paste
- Code Generation
New in v1.3 -
- Added Undo/Redo
- Added downloadable Texture maps
Whats Next -
- Techne Model Support
- In-Program Updating
- More Backgrounds/Grids
- Automated Installer
- Complete Mob Code Support
- Option to export as .obj
Suggest Ideas in the comments below.
Download -
Download v1.2 Here: Version 1.2
Download v1.2 Source Code Here: Coming Soon
Download BETA v1.3 Here: Version BETA 1.3
Download v.2.4 Here : Version 2.4
Download, Unzip, and run MCModeler.jar.
Note: Requires Java3D API. You can locate that here: Java3D v1.5.1
How To Use

What does it all mean?!?!
Let me explain the fields and buttons:
Box List Manipulators
  • Name -
    • [*:20sjqv6b]The name of the new box you want to add. Please keep this name a valid Java identifier, as this is what the code generator uses as the identifiers for the boxes in the code it generates.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Add New Box (Button)
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Adds a new box with the name specified in the Name field.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Boxes
    • [*:20sjqv6b]A list of the boxes in your model.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Delete box (Button)
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Deletes the selected box (This is irreversable! Careful!).
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Rename box (Button)
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Renames the selected box to the name of your choice (asks you for a new name, doesn't use the Name field).
Texture Manipulators
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Texture URL
    • [*:20sjqv6b]The URL of the texture you want to apply to the model.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Browse (Button)
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Lets you select an image to use for the texture. Does not load the texture but simply puts the texture's location into the Texture URL field.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Load (Button)
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Loads the texture specified by the Texture URL field.
Selected Box Values
**Note that with the following fields you need to press Enter to finalize your change.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]X/Y/Z size
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Specify the size of this box in pixels.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]X/Y/Z center
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Specify how many pixels the rotational center of the box should be from the geometric center of the box. This is the point around which the box rotates.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]X/Y/Z offset
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Specify how many pixels the box should be from the center of the model.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]X/Y/Z rotation
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Specify to what angle the box should rotate to, in degrees. Note that the rotations are applied in Z-Y-X order.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]X/Y Texture Offsets
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Specify the offset of this particular box's texture within the texture image, in pixels from the top left corner of the image.
File Menu
I won't explain the generic ones.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Generate Code
    • [*:20sjqv6b]Generates the model code and puts it in the file specified.
Edit Menu
Copy/Cut/Paste are self-explanatory. (They also only work with boxes. )
View Menu
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Display XY/YZ/ZX grid
    • [*:20sjqv6b]These are guides to help you build your model. You can turn them on or off here.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Display center point
    • [*:20sjqv6b]This option tells the previewer whether or not to draw the center point of the box.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Display unselected boxes as...
    • [*:20sjqv6b]This option tells the previewer how to draw boxes you aren't currently working with. The options are self-explanatory, but keep in mind that you cannot mouse-select unselected boxes if this option is set to 'Invisible'.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Reload texture file
    • [*:20sjqv6b]If you've made changes to your texture file, this reloads them and reapplies them to your model.
View Controls
View controls are pretty natural:
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Left-click on a box to select that box.
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Left-click and drag to rotate your view of the model
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Scroll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
In case of an error-
 [*:20sjqv6b]Run the program via the command terminal (CMD on windows, Shell/Bash on Linux/Macs) with the '-osdetect' parameter (something to this extent: 'java -jar MCModeler.jar -osdetect')
  • [*:20sjqv6b]Provide the information given to you in the popup. This will help me add compatibility for your operating system.
Thanks, and feel free to leave feedback/suggestions


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